Your rights when shopping by post, or from mail order catalogues.
Your rights and responsibilities when buying or selling at a market or fair.
Your rights when you get married. Includes information about marriage licenses and where you can get married.
Your rights not to be treated unfairly in the workplace because you are married or in a civil partnership.
The rules about getting married and forming a civil partnership. Your rights when you live together as a couple without getting married. Includes rights for same-sex partners.
Includes all benefits and payments you may be entitled to if you, or your partner, are pregnant, or if you are adopting a child.
Information about using the media, including your rights about television, radio and newspapers.
Information about your legal rights if you have a mental illness.
Your rights about buying and using mobile phones. Doesn't include traditional telephones or land lines.
Information about self assessment for income tax, exemptions from capital gains tax, inheritance tax limits, paying stamp duty when you buy a house, paying council tax and value added tax. What to do if you have problems with savings and investments, pensions, and insurance.
The types of loan you can use to buy a house or flat that are paid off over a long period of time. The loan is secured on the property, which means that the mortgage lender can go to court to evict you if you do not keep up the repayments, or if you break the terms of the mortgage agreement.
Information about all types of road-traffic offences.
Your rights if you are living in shared accommodation.