The tax system in England and Wales and how it affects you.
Information on tax credits, including who is entitled to tax credits, how to apply and how the credits are paid.
Your rights about using land-line telephone services.
The rules about the content of programmes, including censorship issues.
Information on what temporary accommodation is, when you may be offered temporary accommodation, and what to do if it is not suitable for your needs.
Your rights if you live in rented property. Covers what type of tenancy you might have.
Your rights, and the rights of your landlord. Including your rights even if you don't have a written tenancy agreement.
Information about all types of theft, handling stolen goods, and other crimes against property.
Issues around timeshare holiday homes or bogus holiday clubs. Things to watch out for before you sign a contract and your right to change your mind.
Your rights about companies that sell foreign holidays.
Your rights to join unions, to take part in decisions affecting your work and working conditions and to take industrial action in certain instances.
Local authority trading standards services give information and advice regarding the buying and selling of goods and services. They may be able to help if you have a complaint against a shop or business.
Information about road traffic accidents.
Information if you are looking for training to help you get a job.
Your rights about transport and travel. Includes the rules about foreign travel.
Your rights about holidays and leisure activities such as sports. Also covers your rights about public and private transport and road use.
How to deal with any problems you have with travel agents. Who is responsible when things go wrong?
Information about looking after your health when travelling abroad. Includes vaccinations and your rights to health care in other countries.
The rights of travelling people. Includes your rights to stop legally, park and live in a camp, and how to access services such as healthcare and education.