Latest annual review published

We are pleased to have published our annual review for 2022-2023. 

Highlights include that we reached more than a million users with law-related problems through our website (up 22% from the previous year).

We know from our survey respondents that:

  • 62% are not working
  • 48% have a household income of below £1,540 per month 
  • 37% identified as disabled
  • 25% are BAME
  • 14% are helping someone else.
  • 256 individuals recieved low-cost, fixed fee advice on family matters via our Affordable Advice service.

246 people from 130 different organisations participated in our training courses, learning how to better support members of their community with housing and homelessness problems. 

1,025 beneficiaries were reached indirectly each month via education initiatives.

Find out more about the difference we make by reading the Annual review 2022-23.