Sign up for our housing rights course on private renting for Disabled people

Law for Life will be running a free 4-workshop-long housing-rights course for London-based organisations supporting disabled people with housing issues. The course will be delivered online and is funded by Trust for London

The course aims to give participants the basic knowledge and skills needed to deal with key housing issues in privately rented accommodation. This will include understanding your tenancy, evictions, and poor/inaccessible housing conditions. Whilst the legal remedies available to disabled people can be limited, we hope to empower participants to make informed decisions on legal issues and make the most of what options there are. 

You do not need to know anything about housing law to apply as this introductory course is aimed at people with no formal legal training. The course will be delivered in English and accessibility needs can be submitted in the registration form.

We are particularly keen to invite participants who are community volunteers, members of a disability support group, a grassroots mutual aid organisation, or something similar.

The course will run online from 10am-12pm, Monday and Tuesday, over two weeks from mid-September. Participants are required to watch a 30 minute introductory video before each interactive session. Each workshop will cover a different topic: 

Week 1 

Monday 16th September: Tenancies and other housing arrangements

Tuesday 17th September: Disability benefits

Week 2 

Monday 23 September: Dealing with poor housing conditions

Tuesday 24th September: How to deal with a Section 21 eviction notice

It is important you are able to attend all four sessions as later sessions build upon the knowledge from previous ones. 

The course is free to attend, but spaces are limited. We will prioritise participants from community/grassroot organisations and people with lived experience of the housing crisis. Due to limited capacity, we will accept a maximum of two participants per organisation. 

We request that each individual who would like to attend registers separately as this is important for our evaluation processes, and to keep track of numbers. 

Sign up here

Registration will close at midnight on Sunday 1st September. We will let you know by Wednesday 4th September if you have secured a place.

If you have any queries about the course please contact Genevieve Ryan at: