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PIP awards are based on what help you need with very specific activities because of your disability, illness, or treatment. Fit the difficulties you have with each activity to one of the descriptors. You don't get any points for having a different difficulty.

Please select the first descriptor below that you meet for each activity you have difficulty with. 

If the only way you can do something is to do it badly, unsafely, slowly or only occasionally, select the phrase that says you can’t do it. 

If you can’t do a task as many times as you might need, or if doing it causes you pain, tiredness, breathlessness, nausea, or makes your condition worse, select the phrase that says you can’t do it. You can explain the effect it has on you later.

If you feel better on some days than on others, choose the phrase that describes how things are more than half of the time.

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 You will need to add full stops etc for them to appear in your letter.


Press 'Examples' to see what other people have said.

If you have to use special equipment or hold onto something while doing a task, you need to use an ‘aid or appliance’.

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