Volunteer on our employment guide panel!

We need volunteers to read our upcoming employment guides.
Image of a loud haler with the text 'Tell us what you think about our new guides on employment rights. Find out more about being on our volunteer guide panel. Volunteers needed!
Take part!

We are in the process of creating clear and accessible information to help people deal with unfair treatment at work and understand how to take a claim to tribunal.

We want to make sure that people who are at greater risk of being treated unfairly get the information they need.  

The guides will help people to understand:

  • If the unfair treatment they experienced is unlawful treatment.
  • How to take action, including how to take a claim to tribunal.

The guides will be particularly useful for people in precarious situations, including migrant workers, people with mental health and other long term health problems, and other people facing discrimination.

To help make sure the guides are as useful as they can be we are looking for volunteers to take part in our guide panels, to review a drafts, and tell us what you think.

How the panel works

If you are willing to be part of the panel we will contact you with a draft of a guide by email. We use panels like this one to make sure we are covering everything we ought to, and that the content of the guide is realistic and useful. Different panel members will bring different perspectives and expertise to the panel so we won’t expect everyone to comment on everything.

Don't worry if you can't reply at the time, it's a very flexible arrangement and there will be another opportunity to feedback. If you would prefer to feedback in another way, please get in touch and we can sort out an alternative.

Our approach to producing guides

We have carried out research into the effectiveness of information resources to help people manage legal problems. We believe that resources should include information on the issue itself; a guide to the actions to take; and acknowledge the emotions involved. We follow these better information principles when writing legal information.

View examples of our other guides.

If you would like to be on the panel, please get in touch!


June 2024

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