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Citizens Advice

Rights at work including time off work, health and safety, trade unions, harassment and discrimination, Sunday working and notice.

Different kinds of employment status

The different ways you can be employed make a big difference to how you pay tax and National Insurance, how you can save for your retirement and your rights at work. It’s important you understand your legal employment status so you know the rights you’re entitled to.

Low Incomes Tax Reform Group
Am I employed, self-employed, both, or neither?

Helps you work out if you are employed or self employed for tax and National Insurance purposes.

TUC - Trades Union Congress
Working in the UK - a guide to your rights

Links to an interactive guide on your rights at work in the UK. You can translate the guide into French, Bulgarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish. 

The Mix
Monitoring at work

Explains how your boss can check up on you at work.

Citizens Advice
Check your rights at work if you're under 18

Explains the rules on when and how long you can work for depending on the type job, if you are under 18. Also covers pay. 

Citizens Advice
Check if you are an agency worker

This information explains how to work out if you are an agency workers and signposts to more information on your rights as an agency worker. 

TUC - Trades Union Congress
Apprentices' rights at work

Explains that apprentices are employees and sets out what rights you should get.

Employment rights and pay for interns

An intern’s rights depend on their employment status. If an intern is classed as a worker, then they’re normally due the National Minimum Wage. Information about the employment rights and pay for interns.

Check employment status for tax

A tool from HMRC called Check Employment Status for Tax (CEST) to help you find out if you are employed or self-employed. You could also use this tool as evidence if you disagreed with your employer about your status. Includes quite a lot of jargon!

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