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Citizens Advice
Check your parental rights at work

Right to maternity leave, paternity leave, adoption leave, statutory maternity pay, statutory paternity pay and statutory adoption pay and right to ask for flexible working after the birth of the baby.

Working families
Shared parental leave

Information on the new legislation for the parents of babies being born or children being placed for adoption after April 2015.

Maternity Action
Shared parental leave and pay

Shared parental leave applies to parents of babies due on or after 5th April 2015 (regardless of when your baby is actually born). This guide explains who can take shared parental leave, and how it works. 

Working families
Emergency and parental leave

Information on rights to leave and pay and time off for dependants.

Unpaid parental leave

Explains when you are entitled to parental leave, who qualifies for it, what notice you must give your employer and the circumstances in which you can postpone it.

Maternity Action
Child-friendly working hours

This information sheet explains the rights you have if you want to change your hours to fit in with caring for your children.

Maternity Action
Pregnant at work

An outline of your rights and benefits during pregnancy and maternity leave and information on where you can get more detailed information.

Citizens Advice
Maternity leave - what you're entitled to and how to get it

Explains who is entitled to take maternity leave, how much you can take, when to tell your employer you want to take maternity leave, and what to do if you are dismissed because you are pregnant.

Maternity pay and leave - how to claim

How to claim statutory maternity leave and statutory maternity pay.

Maternity Action
Know your rights information sheets - Rights at work when you're pregnant or a new parent

Includes information on redundancy during pregnancy, qualifying for Statutory Maternity Pay, redundancy pay and notice.

Working families
Redundancy while on or shortly after maternity leave

Explains what procedures your employer must follow when making you redundant if you are on or have come back from maternity leave.

Check if you can get Maternity or Paternity Leave or Pay, or Maternity Allowance

Calculator which allows you to work out if you can get maternity or paternity leave or pay or maternity allowance.

Carers UK
Carers - your work and career

Explains what support is available to help you juggle caring and work. Also looks at carers' rights at work.

Maternity Action
Rights at work for fathers and partners

This information sheet is for new and expectant fathers and partners, including same sex partners. It gives you an outline of your rights to time off and pay at the birth and for the first year or your baby’s life. 

Paternity pay and leave

Explains when you may be eligible for paternity pay and leave.

ACAS - Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
Employees rights during IVF treatment

Information about the rights you may have during IVF treatment, for example, to time off for investigation or treatment, and when you become protected against discrimination on the grounds of pregnancy.

Becoming an adoptive parent

Information on rights to Statutory Paternity Pay and Paternity Leave for adoptive parents.

ACAS - Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
Paternity leave and pay

You may be entitled to paternity leave and pay if your partner is having a baby, adopting a child or having a baby through a surrogacy arrangement. Also includes information about leave for antenatal appointments for fathers and partners.

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