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  1. If the hearing is online, help them to check the link and get everything set up in good time. If it is in person, agree how you will both get there. 
  2. Before the hearing, sit down with your friend and write a list of all the help their child needs. Take it with you on the day and tick them off as they are said. If at the end of the hearing, there are still things that haven't been said - you can remind them.
  3. Try not to answer questions on your friend's behalf. If you realise that your friend has left bits out when answering a question - try to remind them, rather than say it for them. However, if they are finding it difficult or becoming very emotional you can answer the question yourself (but ask the Tribunal Judge if it is OK first, just to be polite).
  4. Read DLA tribunal hearings. This will help you to know what will happen so that you can help your friend.
  5. If you're OK with writing, consider asking if they want your help to write a statement. They are really helpful and reduce the stress of trying to remember to say everything on the day.



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