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We made this short film because we know that going to court without a solicitor is a very frightening and stressful experience and we want to help.

It looks at the questions people who have represented themselves told us they worried about most, and shows you simple tips that you can use to put your side as well as you can.

We made this film in 2019 but it is all still correct today.

Truly invaluable - Thank you!
Watching your film helped me realise things that I stood no chance of comprehending otherwise because of being neurodivergent. I cannot thank you enough for your idea to make and put this film on your website. Bless you. It speaks volumes about how genuinely committed you are to helping "litigants-in-person" use the posh expression for us who cannot afford representation!


This really made me think! I will try an compose myself in court. I feel less nervous now after seeing this, thank you!


Only site where you (as a man off the street) are given an insight/ understanding of what/how to prepare for a family court hearing.  Thank you so much for this useful guide

W. Phillips

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