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 Breach of contract, or DebtLoss or damage which is someone else’s fault (negligence) with no personal injuryPersonal injury (including road traffic accidents)

Time limits

(This is the basic time limit. For exceptions and special cases see our guide to time limits)

6 years6 years3 years
Is it a small claim?Yes, if the value is under £10,000.Yes, if the value is under £10,000.

Yes, if

  • the injuries were not caused by a road accident, or
  • were caused by a road accident that occurred before 31st May 2021, and the total value is under £10,000, and the value of  the personal injury element is under £1,000, or
  • if the injuries were caused by a road accident that occurred after 31st May 2021, and the total value of the claim is under £10,000, and the value of personal injury element is under £5,000. (See Make a claim about injuries caused by a car accident for other limitations).
Is it a fast track claim?Yes, if the value is over £10,000 and under £25,000Yes, if the value is over £10,000 and under £25,000

Yes, if

  • the injuries were not caused by a road traffic accident, and the total value is between £10,000 and £25,000, and the personal injury element is valued at over £1,500,
  • the injuries were caused by a road traffic accident and the total value is between £10,000-£25,000, or
    the injuries were caused by a road traffic accident and
  • the total value is under £10,000 but they are not a small claim (for example, because the personal injury element is valued at over £5000 if the accident occurred after 31st May 2021, or £1000 if the accident occurred after May 2021).
Is there a  pre-action protocol?

Yes, if your case is about debt or money owed.

Otherwise, no. You need to follow the guidelines for pre-action conduct. See our guide to pre-action conduct and pre-action protocol.

No. You need to follow the guidelines for pre-action conduct. See our guide to pre-action conduct and pre-action protocol.  

Yes. Unless it is a small claim, when you need to follow the guidelines for pre-action conduct. See Things you need to know about court procedure before you start a civil case
for more.

If your claim is for personal injury caused by a car accident that occurred on or after May 31st 2021, and the total value is under £10,000, and value of personal injury element is under £5,000 you need to use the new pre-action protocol. You do this by using the Official Injury Claim service. See How to make a claim about injuries caused by a car accident.

Can I use Money Claim?

(see How to start a claim
for other limitations, e.g. if there is more than one defendant, it is against a Govt. body, or either party are under 18 etc.)

Yes, if the value is under £10,000. See our guidance on
how to start a small claim.

Yes, if the value is under £10,000.

See our guidance about
how to start a small claims case

No. You will have to complete the paper form. See start a civil or fast-track case.
Can I use Money Claims Online (MCOL)? (See How to start a civil claim e.g. if  there are more than two defendants, or they don’t have an address in England and Wales)Yes, for debt or a fixed amount of money up to £100,000. See our guidance on starting a small claimOnly if you are claiming a fixed amount of money up to £100,000. See our guidance on how to start a civil caseNo. You will have to complete the paper form. See
how to start a civil or fast-track case
Will I have to pay the other side’s legal costs if I lose my small claim?No, except for court fees, witness expenses, and any expert’s report, unless you have behaved unreasonably.No, except for court fees, witness expenses, and any expert’s report, unless you have behaved unreasonably.No, unless you have behaved unreasonably.
Will I have to pay the other side’s legal costs if I lose my fast track claim?Yes. See our guide to legal costs
for more information.
Yes. See our guide to legal costs
for more information.

Not if your case started before 1st October 2023, unless you have failed to beat a Part 36 offer, or your claim was fundamentally dishonest.

Yes if your case started after 1st October 2023. See Legal costs for more information.

What award can the court make if I win?


  • amount of debt
  • interest on that amount

Breach of contract:

  • usually, money to put you in the financial position you would have been if the contract had been carried out properly,
  • occasionally, ordering the other person to remedy the breach of contract, 
  • interest on that amount.
  • Compensation to put you in the position you would have been in if the person had carried out their duty.
  • Interest on that amount.
  • Compensation for the injury itself, that is for your pain, suffering and loss of amenity.
  • Compensation for your losses and expenses.
  • Interest on that amount.

About this guide


The law is complicated. We have simplified things in this guide. Please don’t rely on this guide as a complete statement of the law. We recommend you read the other guides in this series and try to  get advice from the sources we have suggested.

The cases we refer to are not always real but show a typical situation. We have included them to help you think about how to deal with your own situation.


This guide was produced by Law for Life's Advicenow project. We would like to thank everyone who has commented or helped with the guide including editorial teams at Thomson Reuters who kindly reviewed this updated version. 

This guide was updated thanks to funding from the Ministry of Justice.

Well format to triage and signpost me in the most appropriate direction I need to go


Other guides to help

This is part of our series of guides on how to go to the civil court - do read the other guides for step by step help. 

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