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The eviction of a tenant has to follow a special legal procedure and the process involved depends on the type of tenancy. A landlord who tries to evict a tenant illegally may be committing a criminal offence. Links to information on what you need to know about eviction and repossession and how to deal with it. (Content applies to England only.)

Private renting for tenants: evictions

If you are a private tenant and your landlord is trying to evict you, this guide will explain in simple terms the procedure the landlord needs to follow depending on what type of tenancy you have and your rights.

Citizens Advice
Eviction for rent arrears

Explains how a landlord can evict you for rent arrears, the different types of court orders the landlord can obtain and advises how you can prevent or postpone eviction by the landlord.

How to deal with missed mortgage payments

Acting quickly to deal with mortgage payment problems or mortgage arrears, even if the problem is only temporary, could help keep your home safe. Explains the different ways to deal with missed mortgage such as getting advice, contacting your mortgage lender, and more. (Content applies to England only.)

Repossession in nine stages

A simple explanation of the various stages of repossession you can find yourself in and advice on what you can do.

Repossession by a landlord's lender

Your landlord's lender may try to repossess the property you are renting if your landlord does not keep up with their mortgage payments. If this happens, you may have some protection from eviction if your tenancy is binding on the landlord's lender. If not, your options will be more limited. Give a template letter asking the lender to delay the eviction date. (Content applies to England only).

How to ask the council for help - Shelter England

Explains how to ask your council for help with your housing application and includes a postcode finder that takes you to the housing department contact details for your local council. Includes template letter for homelessness applications and asking for a review. 

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