Problems at work
Whether you are an employer or an employee, you can contact ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) for free, confidential and impartial advice about problems such as unfair dismissal, equal pay, redundancy, the terms and conditions of your job, bullying, harassment, the breakdown of your relationship with a work colleague or any other kind of disagreement or dispute in the workplace.
ACAS also offers mediation, conciliation and arbitration services. Find out more about ACAS.
Workplace problems can also be resolved through independent mediation. Accredited mediators who specialise in workplace issues are listed on the website of the Civil Mediation Council or College of Mediators.
Problems with equality and human rights
Anyone who feels they have been treated unfairly in their employment, education or use of services (such as hotels, shops, banks, cinemas, bars, transport and travel, electricians, dentists and services provided by councils) because of age, disability, marriage or civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation or gender reassignment may be able to get advice from the Equality Advisory & Support Service about how to resolve their problem informally.
Problems with neighbours
Your problem may involve noisy neighbours, pets, parking problems, boundary disputes, rubbish, hedges that are too high, trees that block out your light or anti-social behaviour. Find out more about resolving neighbour disputes.
One way of trying to sort out this kind of problem is by using community mediation. You can search for organisations that offer community mediation.
Alternatively ask your local council for details of your nearest community mediation service. Charges vary but sometimes the service is free.
If your neighbour is doing something that is damaging to health or a nuisance then you can ask your council to help solve your problem. If you are not satisfied with their response, then you may be able to complain to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman in England or the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has information about complaints about high hedges. The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales has information about noise nuisance.
Problems with tenancy deposits
Tenancy deposits paid after April 6th 2007 have to be paid into one of three, government-authorised deposit protection schemes when the money is first paid to the landlord. These are:
The landlord chooses which service to use. The schemes try to resolve disputes about deposits quickly and without the need for court action. The aim is to make sure that tenants who have paid a deposit to a landlord or letting agent actually get it back at the end of the tenancy if they are entitled to it. If you agree to use one of these tenancy deposit schemes to resolve your dispute, you cannot appeal the decision of the adjudicator (unless you challenge it through the courts) and you cannot take your claim to court later.
Check the relevant website for details, information about their charges (if any) and how to contact them.
If your landlord has not paid your deposit into one of these schemes, then you may have to go to court to resolve your problem.
View more information about tenancy deposit protection.
Problems with health care
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman investigates complaints about the National Health Service (NHS) in England including NHS hospitals, GPs, dentists, opticians, pharmacists and other providers (including private health care) where the service is paid for by the NHS.
Complaints about NHS provision in Wales are dealt with by the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.
There are some ADR schemes for other complaints about health-related matters. Those that are approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute are listed on its website. These include The Cosmetic Redress Scheme and the Optical Consumer Complaints Service.
Problems with housing
You may have a problem to do with your landlord, perhaps because of how they are dealing with your application for a transfer or with charges they are making. If you rent privately and are having a problem getting your landlord to carry out repairs, you may find our guide Fix problems with a privately rented home helpful.
If you live in social or council housing, whether you are renting or a leaseholder, and you have complained to your landlord but are not satisfied with their response, then you may be able to complain to an ombuds.
In England, the Housing Ombudsman Service looks at complaints about registered social landlords, for example housing associations, and other landlords, managers, and agents. Most council housing is now managed by social landlords, so complaints about council housing repairs and management can go to the Housing Ombudsman Service.
Complaints in England about decisions on council housing, such as housing allocations and homelessness applications, go to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO).
There are some complaints from council tenants that could be considered by the Housing Ombudsman, the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, or both ombuds. This factsheet explains which complaints go to which ombud.
The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales deals with complaints about any social landlord in Wales including housing associations.
Problems with planning
Local authorities have their own complaint and appeal procedures that you can use if you are unhappy about a planning decision. If you are not satisfied with their response, then you can make a complaint to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman for local authorities in England or the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has information about what you can do if you have concerns about the council approving a neighbour’s planning application, or if you have concerns about how the council dealt with your own planning application.
The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales has factsheets about complaints about planning applications.
Problems with education and training
If your child has special educational needs and you and your child’s school or the local council disagree about how to meet those needs, mediation is available to help you find a solution.
In fact, for disputes that can be appealed to the SEND tribunal you have to consider mediation before you can lodge an appeal.
For more information see:
In England, if you have a problem relating to school admissions or exclusions, school transport, home tuition or some aspects of special educational needs, the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman may be able to help you. See Complaint fact sheets - education.
If you have a problem with an academy school or a free school you can complain to the Education and Skills Funding Agency once you have been through the school’s complaints process.
In Wales, if you want to complain about Estyn, the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales or about school admissions or exclusions then the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales may be able to help you.
If you have a problem with a further education college or an apprenticeship, see Complain about a further education college or apprenticeship.
The Office of the Independent Adjudicator deals with individual complaints about universities and colleges in England and Wales as well as FE colleges providing higher education and providers of School-Centred Initial Teacher Training.
Problems with benefits
For benefits complaints, you can use ADR to complain about how you were treated, delays, and things like communication problems. If you think a decision about your benefits is wrong, you will need to appeal.
Appealing a wrong decision
If you think a decision about your benefits is wrong, your decision letter should tell you how you can appeal. For many benefits the first stage in this process is mandatory reconsideration.
If the decision it not changed during the mandatory reconsideration process, you can and should appeal. If you are going to ask for either a mandatory reconsideration or appeal you should do it as quickly as you can because there are time limits, although you can ask after the one month has passed, you just need to explain why you were unable to ask earlier. If you give reasons, your request is likely to be accepted if the decision it is appealing is over less than 13 months ago.
You can find guides and tools to help you appeal various benefit decisions including Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Work Capability Assessment (WCA) and decisions to sanction your benefits on the Advicenow website.
Complaining about benefits decision
If you want to complain about how a decision was made, for example, it took too long or you were treated unfairly, then in the first place you can complain to whichever government agency made the decision. If you are not satisfied with their response, you may be able to take your complaint further.
Some benefits are decided by councils, such as housing benefit and Council Tax reduction. For complaints about these, you can contact the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman Ombudsman for local authorities in England or the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.
Most other benefit decisions are made by UK government departments, like the Department for Work and Pensions or the HM Revenue and Customs.
The Independent Case Examiner deals with complaints about government agencies such as the Child Maintenance Service, the Pension Service and Jobcentre Plus (including most work provider services).
The Adjudicator’s Office deals with complaints about agencies such as HM Revenue and Customs. So if, for example, you are unhappy with how HM Revenue and Customs dealt with your complaint about their handling of your claim for child benefit or tax credits, you can complain to The Adjudicator’s Office.
If you are not satisfied with the response from the Independent Case Examiner or The Adjudicator, you can complain to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. At the moment, complaints about benefit issues can only go to the PHSO via your MP. You can write to your MP and ask them to pass on your complaint. You can find your MP and write to them at They work for you.
Problems with goods and services
For information about consumer rights and how to resolve a dispute when you buy goods or services, see Consumer rights.
There are some specific schemes to help you resolve disputes about goods and services. Many of them are ombuds schemes which are approved by the Ombudsman Association. Ombuds will not normally consider a complaint until the organisation or business concerned has had a reasonable chance to sort it out first. You cannot go to court at the same time as complaining to an ombudsman. All ombudsman schemes in the UK provide a free service to consumers. Complaints must be made within a reasonable time and often there is a fixed time limit within which to complain.
Below are listed ADR schemes, including ombuds, by type of problem.
Financial Services
The Financial Ombudsman Service helps with complaints about services provided by organisations such as banks, insurers and mortgage companies including most problems involving financial products and services such as:
- bank accounts
- credit, debit and store cards
- payment protection insurance (PPI)
- other insurance, like motor, travel and household loans, including payday loans
- other credit, like car finance
- mortgages
- repayment problems and debt collection
- money transfers and online payments
- financial advice, savings and investments
- some types of pensions
The Legal Ombudsman helps to resolve complaints about solicitors, barristers, licensed conveyancers, cost lawyers, legal executives, notaries, patent attorneys, trade mark attorneys, law firms and companies providing legal services such as claims management companies.
The Pensions Ombudsman helps to resolve complaints about a pension scheme provided by your employer or a pension you have set up yourself. They can also help if you have a complaint about a decision made by the Pension Protection Fund or the Financial Assistance Scheme.
Property - estate and lettings agents
The Property Ombudsman helps to resolve disputes between members of the public and property agents.
The Communications Ombudsman helps to resolve consumer complaints about companies which provide communications services, including mobile, broadband, landline or pay tv, to the public.
The Communications and Internet Services Adjudication Scheme can also help settle disputes related to communication services including broadband, mobiles, on demand services, pay TV and premium rate services.
If you are not sure which scheme the company you want to complain about is registered with, you can check on the Ofcom website.
The Postal Redress Service offers a free ADR scheme for disputes between postal services and their customers.
- The Energy Ombudsman helps to resolve complaints about gas or electricity companies.
- The Water Redress Scheme is an adjudication scheme that resolves complaints between customers and water and sewage companies or suppliers.
Transportation and travel
The Rail Ombudsman resolves complaints about train providers. They can deal with complaints about delays and cancellations, customer service, station facilities, passenger assistance, and discrimination.
There are ADR schemes for some complaints about airlines and airports:
Services for your home and car
If you cannot find an ombud or ADR scheme relevant for your problem above, try checking out these lists:
Problems with the police
Individual police forces deal with complaints involving police officers and staff within their force. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint you may be able to appeal to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). Serious cases are referred to the IOPC in any event.
The IOPC oversees the police complaints system in England and Wales and is also responsible for dealing with serious complaints about staff at the National Crime Agency, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority.