If you are still employed, you first need to try to sort out any problems directly with your employer.
You can do this by speaking to your boss or someone else about the problem informally or using your employer’s formal grievance procedures. The only reason not to do this would be if the time limit for starting a case at the employment tribunal was nearly up. In which case you should tell Acas you want to take a case to the employment tribunal as that stops the clock to allow time for ‘early conciliation’ (see Tell Acas below).
If the tribunal decides it was unreasonable of you not to have followed your employer’s grievance procedure (or disciplinary procedure if that is appropriate) any compensation you win could be reduced by up to 25%.
This is part a series of guides about taking a case to employment tribunal
We have written them because we understand how being treated unfairly at work can impact your whole life, even how you see yourself. We want to support you to work out if you can or should take your case to the employment tribunal, and to help you to do it well - even if you cannot find an adviser to help you, and cannot afford to pay for help.