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Terms and conditions

By using this website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms of use. We may update these terms and conditions, from time to time.

About us

Advicenow is the trading name for Law for Life: the Foundation for Public Legal Education, a registered charity – Charity no. 1143589. We are also a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales no. 07695486. Our registered office is Advicenow, Law for Life, 4th Floor, 18 St. Cross Street, London. EC1N 8UN.

We are an education and information charity that aims to increase access to justice by providing everyone with an awareness of their legal rights together with the confidence and skills to assert them. We run our independent, not-for-profit website, to provide information on rights and the law.

You can find more information in About us on this website.

Intellectual property

All the material on this website is copyright of Advicenow or is used with the permission of the owners. Your use of the website and its content grants no rights to you in relation to Advicenow’s intellectual property rights including, without limitation, copyright, trade marks, logos, graphics, photographs, animations, videos, tools, and text or the intellectual property of third parties in the website and its contents.

  • You may copy electronically and print a reasonable number of copies of portions of this site for personal use.
  • If you are an adviser or work in a community group you may print a reasonable number of copies of portions of this site for use with clients or service users in advice agencies and community groups. However, you are strongly advised to make sure that you provide them with the most up to date version. Please ensure that service users understand that the law changes, meaning that what you print off and give them may go out of date.
  • You may make multiple copies of teaching and learning resources for use in educational establishments.
  • Please make sure that you have read and understand our disclaimer.

Any other use of materials on this website including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, distribution, republication, transmission, re-transmission, modification, or public showing whether for gain or otherwise is strictly prohibited.


Advicenow believes that access to quality legal and rights information helps people decide whether or not to access the legal system, and helps them when dealing with the legal system.

The information on the site is for general information purposes only, to give a high level overview of particular areas of law. The information relates to the laws of England and Wales only unless we specify otherwise. Please do not rely on it as a substitute for getting legal advice about what to do in the specific circumstances of your case.
Whilst we have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information provided through the website is correct at the time of creation, Advicenow does not make any representation as to and accepts no liability for the accuracy of information contained on this website, or that the information provided is comprehensive.

In so far as permitted by law, Advicenow will not be liable for any other loss, damage or inconvenience arising as a consequence of any use of, or the inability to use, any information on this site.

This disclaimer is not intended to exclude or limit liability for anything which may not legally be excluded or limited. For example we do not seek to exclude or limit our liability for: (i) fraudulent misrepresentation by us or our employees or agents; or (ii) death or personal injury caused by our negligence or that of our employees or agents.

Links to other websites

Certain links in this site will lead you to sites which are not under the control of Advicenow. Whilst we make every effort to provide you with links to high quality, reputable sites, Advicenow accepts no responsibility or liability for any issues arising in connection with either use of your data, the site content or the services offered to you by these sites and links should not be taken as an endorsement of any kind.

The accuracy of the information provided on the sites to which Advicenow provides links is the responsibility of the site provider, and Advicenow shall not be liable to you in respect of any loss or damage which you may suffer by using those websites.


Advicenow is committed to excellent service and we aim to resolve any complaints or concerns promptly and fairly.

  • If you have a complaint about the service you receive from Advicenow, please contact us in writing stating the nature of the complaint.

Please provide a clear description of your complaint and what you would like us to do to resolve the matter. You will need to provide your full name and contact details.

You will receive an acknowledgement of your complaint within five working days. We will investigate the matter fully and reply to you within 15 working days stating our findings and what action may be taken.

  • If you are not happy with the response to your initial complaint please contact Advicenow’s Chief Executive.
  • If your complaint is regarding the Chief Executive, address the complaint to the Chair of Trustees.

The Chief Executive or Chair will investigate the matter fully and reply to you within 15 working days stating his/her findings and what action may be taken.

If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction following your complaint, you may take the matter further by writing to the Trustees of Advicenow who will advise you of any further action you may take if you are not satisfied with our response.

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