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If it is a video hearing, check you have what you need for it to go smoothly. HMCTS have made a helpful video.

If your hearing is in person, the letter you receive about the hearing will usually give you details of public transport links and parking. At some venues, you can book an accessible parking spot if you phone them in advance. If you need a taxi, ask them to book one for you and check that they will pay for it. This will usually be easier than arranging one yourself. Work out how you will get there and leave yourself plenty of time. You won’t want the stress of worrying about being late.

Arrange childcare

Organise childcare for the time of the hearing.

If you are going to a face-to-face hearing, don’t take your children with you. If you will be attending a video hearing from your home, ensure the child is somewhere else and cannot hear what is being said. You need to all be able to discuss what help the child needs frankly.

Be aware that the hearing might be quite delayed so try to organise childcare for longer than you might need. If it will cost you, get a note from the carer/childminder confirming their rate – you will be able to reclaim expenses up to the national minimum wage.

Claiming expenses

If you are going to a face-to-face hearing, you can claim travel expenses for the day of the hearing if you use public transport or travel by car. You can also claim for a meal if you are away for more than five hours. If you have to take time off work, you may also be able to claim expenses for loss of earnings. And if you have had to pay a carer or childminder you can claim expenses up to the National Minimum Wage for the time you have been away. 

Before you go to your hearing, check what the current rules on expenses are on GOV.UK.

The clerk will help you fill in a claim form. Make sure you take receipts for your travel and lunch. If you have lost earnings, make sure you have a letter from your employer confirming this.  

Contact the tribunal before the hearing if you need help.

Many thanks. This site broke everything down perfectly and I felt incredibly prepared for my tribunal because of it. I won!


Really helpful and well explained. Particularly liked the bit on what to do on the day. 


Many hearings happen over video now. However, some are still face-to-face. Whatever kind of hearing you have you should prepare in a similar way.

Sometimes the tribunal will decide the case in your favour just on the evidence, statement, or your explanation on the appeal form. If this happens they may ring you the day before or tell you at the beginning of the hearing. 

In the unlikely event that the panel are considering reducing your existing award (for example because you appealed the decision not to give you the high rate of care and the panel feel that you may only be entitled to the lower rate or no award at all), the judge will give you warning and ask if you want a few minutes to consider your options. This is very rare. But if it does happen to you, ask for the hearing to be stopped and explain that you wish to withdraw the appeal. If you do this, the Tribunal is very unlikely to take away the benefit you get at the moment.

Who will be at the hearing

The person running the hearing is the Judge. They are legally qualified and should know a lot about benefits. There will be up to 2 other independent people, including a doctor and maybe a third person who knows a lot about disability, and may have a disability themselves. The panel should introduce themselves and explain what will happen.

Remember the panel do not work for the DWP. They are here to see that you get the benefit if you can show you are entitled to it. 

Usually, the panel will be nice and easy to talk to, and will just want to get a full picture of your child’s illness or disability and the help they need.

 Try to answer their questions fully.

The DWP has a right to have somebody at the appeal to explain why they made their decision. Don't worry about this though. If they do send someone, it will not be the person that made the original decision about your claim.

At the end of the hearing

The panel will usually make the decision that day. This usually takes between 10-30 minutes. They will give you a written outline of their decision as well.

Sometimes the panel will not be able to make a decision quickly. If this happens, they will post it to you instead. It should arrive within a week.

Face-to-face hearings

If you have a face-to-face hearing, you will usually be shown into a waiting room when you arrive at the tribunal centre. You might have to wait here for a little while. When the panel is ready for you, you will be called into the room.

The room the hearing is in will often look like an office and everybody is wearing normal clothes. When you go in, there will usually be a big table in front of you. You (and anyone who goes with you) will sit at one side of the table and the panel will sit on the other side.

At the end of the hearing, you will be asked to go to the waiting room while the panel discuss your case. This can take up to half an hour but usually takes between 10-15 minutes. You will then be asked back into the room and told the decision. They will give you a written outline of their decision as well.

I have been sent for the hearing but I can't go

If you can't do the date they give you, contact the tribunal centre and ask for another date as soon as you can. Don't put it off or just do nothing about it - they are usually extremely helpful. You may have to explain why you can't go and you should have a very good reason, like a hospital appointment. 

It is a good idea to follow up the phone call with a letter and to keep a copy - that way, if anything goes wrong, you can prove you told them.

If you leave it until the last minute, they may not change the day and the appeal might happen without you. If they refuse to change the date, you should do everything you can to move your other appointment.

I had to appeal my daughter’s DLA decision after it got put down to only the low rate of care. Suzy has a visual impairment and learning difficulties and needs help day and night.

I didn’t want to go to the hearing. I was nervous and I didn’t want to take yet another day off work, but I’d been told we would have a much better chance if I did.

It was quite a long wait but once it got started it was all right. They introduced themselves and explained what was going to happen. They were quite friendly.

They asked me what help Suzy had needed this morning. I explained she had been really tired because she was up half the night. She has night terrors and takes a long time to calm down. I explained how I’d had to do most of her dressing for her, and brushed her teeth but she can wash her face and brush her hair herself. I explained the help she needs to have breakfast and what a battle it is sometimes to get her to eat anything. I tried to remember to explain why that was more than most nine year olds need. I went into quite a lot of detail, even talking about helping her put her seat belt on and the things I do to stop her taking it off while we’re going along.

I’d made a list of all the things she needed extra help with and kept it in my hand. At the end I asked them to wait for a few seconds so I could check I’d said everything.  When I had, they asked me to go back to the waiting room.

When they called me back in, they told me that they had given me high rate care and low rate mobility. We went out for pizza and a new toy to celebrate!


Whether you have a video hearing or face-to-face hearing these tips will help you get the right award, and stop it from becoming too stressful.

  • If you think it might help, ask a friend or family member to come with you for emotional support. They might also be able to help by reminding you of things you have forgotten. If you do ask a friend, show them Friend or relative?
  • The panel may be running late and so you might have to wait. If you have made any notes of what you want to say, go over them. Try to keep calm.
  • Many people find they get very emotional at the hearing. It doesn't matter if you get upset. It won't make any difference to your chances.
  • If you had asked for any help with communication or translation and it is not available, you should insist on having the hearing another day.
  • If you sent them any evidence before the hearing, check that they received it.
  • If you don't understand a question ask them to repeat it or put it another way. If you still don’t understand, tell them that.
  • If they say something that isn’t right, make it clear that it is not true. For example, if they say “He doesn’t have much trouble with walking does he?” make it clear if your child does have trouble with going places.
  • Don't worry about using the 'right' language or ‘buzz words’. It is much better to use your own words. If you think they haven't understood something you have said, say it again in a different way.
  • It's tempting to gloss over the difficulties your child has but try not to. Be as frank as you can be.
  • Parents often want to explain the impact of meeting the extra care needs their child has on the rest of their family or their own health. Try not to do this as it is a distraction. Just explain what extra help your child needs and why they need it.
  • Try to answer every question as broadly as you can. If you just give short answers, the panel won’t be able to get a better understanding of your situation. So try to give longer answers and be willing to explain things. For example, if they ask if your child needs extra help to get washed in the morning, don’t just say yes or no. Tell them if they do, what they need help with, how long it takes you, how they respond, and if they need help with anything else in the morning.
  • If you find you haven't said everything you want to say because they haven't asked the right question - tell them anyway. It is important that you say everything. A clever tactic is to make notes about what you want to tell them and tick them off as you say them. Make sure that they are all ticked off before you leave. If you need to, you can ask them to wait a moment while you check your notes. If you have taken somebody with you for moral support, this is a very useful thing for them to do.

    If your child’s condition goes up and down and they need different amounts of help on different days, you will need to make this clear. It is best if you can say roughly how often you need help with each thing, rather than saying 'sometimes'. For example, ‘David's condition is bad for three weeks out of every four. For those weeks his joints are very painful and he cannot walk very far or stand'.

If it is a video hearing

There are a few things it is good to be aware of.

You must not record the hearing – but if you would like it recorded and to have a copy you can request that on the Manage your appeal service. Sometimes the Chair will remind you of that at the beginning.

The Judge will also usually ask who is in the room with you. This is just so that they know who else is there. You are allowed to have a family member or friend present.

Do not eat or drink anything (except water, or if it is to meet a medical need) or smoke or vape during the hearing.  

What to have with you on the day

  • Any notes you have written of the things you want to say.
  • Your set of appeal papers.
  • Receipts for any expenses you can claim back, a letter from your employer if you have lost earnings, and proof of childcare costs if you have had to pay for childcare. 
  • You can have a friend or relative come to the appeal with you. If you have asked somebody to come with you to give you support, show them the information in Friend or family? It explains what they can do to help.

The tribunal panel will tell the DWP their decision and you’ll get an official notice of the decision.

If you were successful, the DWP will work out how much they owe you. You will start receiving the new amount every month, and a sum covering the amount they should have been paying you all along. You will usually receive your money in about 4 - 6 weeks.

You should also check if you will now be entitled to extra benefits like Carer’s Allowance and Universal Credit. If you already receive Universal Credit, the amount you recieve may go up as you will now be entitled to the disabled child element. For some parents, these additional benefits are worth more than the DLA. Check if you are entitled to any extra benefits now by speaking to an adviser (see How to find an adviser) or by using the benefits calculator on the Turn2Us website.

If you weren't successful, you will be sent a leaflet to explain your options. Sometimes you might be able to appeal to the Upper Tribunal. This is like a higher court. However, this can only be done if the panel did something wrong with the law. It is very complicated, and very few people can do this without an experienced adviser. If you want to look into this possibility, you need to move quickly - you will need to ask for a copy of the tribunal’s statement of reasons within one month. See  How to find an adviser.

The DWP also has the right to appeal to the Upper Tribunal if they think the tribunal panel did something wrong. This rarely happens. If it does happen, they will write and tell you.



The law is complicated. We recommend you try to get advice from the sources we have suggested.

The cases we refer to are not always real but show a typical situation. We have included them to help you think about how to deal with your own situation.


This guide was written and produced by Advicenow. Thanks to the Ministry of Justice for funding this update.

Advicenow would like to thank all those who provided advice and feedback on this guide, particularly Jane Owen-Pam, Rachel Ingleby,  Jim McKenny, Yvonne Deal from Hertfordshire County Council,  and all the parents of claimants of DLA who made up our panel. Thanks also to Nicky Rees of Cystic Fibrosis Trust for peer reviewing this updated version.


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