Benefit tribunals
How to prepare and what to expect if you are going to a tribunal about your benefits
PIP tribunals
Work capability assessment tribunals
ESA or Universal Credit
DLA tribunals
Our benefits self-help tools
Digital support that write the document that sets out your case for you
Ask for a PIP mandatory reconsideration
Don’t put up with an unfair decision. Challenge it effectively using our clever tool.
Ask for a DLA mandatory reconsideration
Our tool makes it easy to challenge an unfair decision about your child’s DLA effectively
Ask for a ESA or UC mandatory reconsideration
Challenge an unfair decision about whether you are well enough to work effectively.
Write a tribunal submission about your ESA or UC
Explain to the appeal panel why the decision from your work capability assessment was wrong.
Can't find what you are looking for?
Getting free one-to-one advice about benefits is hard. All advice services are extremely busy. We are here to help everyone who cannot get in at an advice service and cannot afford to pay for legal help.
We give you the knowledge, confidence, and skills you need to deal with the issue yourself, or with the help of friends or family. If you need more help than you can get from our advice guides and self-help tools, we explain how to try to find advice.